
Autumn Term 2024



Humperdink    Hansel & Gretel Prelude       3222-4231-tmp+2-str

Kabalevsky      Flute Concerto                       1121-2110-timp+4-str

Schumann       Symphony 3 'The Rhenish'  2222-4230-tmp-str

Click here for bowing

The rehearsal schedule has moved!  Please click here to access it - the company who host our website have annoyingly announced it'll cost more to embed it nicely on this page.  




Subscriptions are £25 a term, payable either:

  • As a monthly £6.25 Standing Order
  • As a termly BACS transfer
  • As a monthly cheque
  • In cash


If you set up a Standing Order, or perform a BACS Transfer, please let the Treasurer know.


The Orchestra's bank details are:




Please also complete a gift-aid form and return to the Treasurer.


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